Category: No Kidding

  • The Uncomfortable Google

    So, there i read (again) about how Google still trying to improve their search engine. I am impressed with their Google Instant, and while i havent finished enjoying their excellent search capability, Google is now saying they are going to improve their search engine. 🙂

    I am amazed with their unrest, how they always think they are far from perfect and keep improving. Why can’t we? Most companies just think they know everything and think they are the best in their industry, they stop learning and stop improving. They will eventually stop earning. We should act like Google: being uncomfortable, being haunted. That’s when we will get better.

  • Approaching the End of Life, A Note from Critical Care Unit.

    We’re all approaching the opposite end, aren’t we? Born with laughter, when joy was all around. But as we’re growing further, taking life for granted, laughing at life, taking everything personal,…suddenly here we are at the very end of life tube.

    This is a death row. The only row we are at!

    When we’re approaching the end, the question is always “what is next?”. So, what is next?

    What this life is all about? What kind of emotion matter? What is with all the hate and love? We’re vanishing… Do you remember the time you yell at your parents when they didn’t give you what you wanted? Do you remember the one time where you cheated your friend?

    Do you remember the few times you bad mouthing others? Or the time you embarassed others?

    So, what is next? What this 24 hrs a day is all about? What deed and what evil matter? Why were we here at the very first place? Were we meant as a joy to others? And now we are their sadness?

    What a life. Life is once, live it.

    Cheers! Written in a Critical Care Unit
    Sent from mobile phone.

  • Lesson Learned from Fitness First’s RPM Class

    I learned few things! Actually this is a Art of War from RPM Class (not the other way around! :p)
    Here they are:

    1. It’s probably the hardest thing to do in FF Gym! 🙁 so, prepare yourself well before you joint for the very first time! Lesson: know the war field, prepare yourself. Going to war without the knowledge will kill you!

    2. I then finished the session, but it is more because of ego rather than my physical strength. I certainly don’t want to go out from that cycling studio with every eyes on me :p. Lesson: your own ego will bring you to another level. If you go to war, pump your ego, be arrogant even to yourself there you’ll find something beyond your known strength!

    3. I got the emotional spirit from the instructor. He kept screaming: “you want to lose fat! you want to lose fat” :p and “come on! You told me to bring it on! Now I bring it on! I see you on the top!” Haha. Fun! Lesson: you need someone to energize you in a war. Find a friend, find a spiritual figure, find a motivator.

    4. If the cycling studio is only 3 person, it will give you less sensation of team achievement. We all know achieving something together is far better! Lesson: in a war, prepare a row of troops on your side, see they win, show them you can win too, fight together win together, celebrate together!

    5. I keep a bowl of ramen in my imagination. I told my self, if I finish this session, the bowl of ramen is mathematically less calories than what I’ve spent in this session. It kept me going! Lesson: ramen is nice!

    That’s 5 lessons I’ve learned in my FitnessFirst’s RPM Class! Cheers! :p

  • What Karl Max Said (is making sense!)

    I will type in Bahasa (the one I read in a Friedman’s book):

    “…Marx menggambarkan kapitalisme sbg kekuatan yang akan mencopoti segala identitas feodal, nasional, maupun agama, serta memunculkan peradaban universal yang ditentukan kekuatan pasar. Begitu kapitalisme menghancurkan segala kesetiaan pada negara maupun agama, akan timbul pertentangan terbuka yang keras antara modal dan pekerja. Dengan dipaksa berpacu dalam persaingan global menuju titik terendah, para pekerja dunia akan bersatu dalam revolusi global utk menghapuskan penindasan. Dengan tidak ada adanya patriotisme dan romantisme agama, mereka akan dengan jelas melihat eksploitasi atas diri mereka serta bangkit utk mengakhirinya…”

    One word: IMPRESSIVE!

    Seems like the world is going the way Karl Marx saw capitalism.

  • Time – Plato

    You are young, my son, and, as the years go by, time will change
    and even reverse many of your present opinions.
    Refrain therefore awhile from setting yourself up as a judge of the highest matters.
