Common Sense, Nonsense, and Everything in Between


One full month since my last post 😀 really busy with works. I worked on a seminar, few presentations, few trainings, and fee headaches. Crazy but fun.

I’ve been thinking of “remap” and “repackage” In the near future! I am adding my professional side on this website, and this blog will become an integral/complementary part of this website. Just wait for the update! 🙂

Also thinking about migrating from blogger to wordpress. Dunno why, but it seems slower when i blog with blogger. Slower than wordpress. I know my pal has asked me to consider Vox, but hmmm… still dont have a sort of chemistry with vox, (altho i do read yours, regularly) haha.

Late already. Chat with Ike minutes ago, she’s crazily into, so probably she’s reading one right now, or watching some Koreans.

Nighthy night, everyone!

Sssssshhh, week #20 of 2008 already!!

Common Sense, Nonsense, and Everything in Between