Category: Music

  • Stella’s Katee and Joshua

    A friend (a new friend, actually), she hold a Master Degree in internet, and a PhD in Youtubing πŸ™‚

    She introduced me with a youtube video: Katee and Joshua Hip Hop. Had a look last Saturday, just before a regular meeting with our team members; but just really looked at it today. And, it is amazing.Β 
    The dance is 10 out of 10, in my opinion. Have a look, guys!
    And also, that No Air from Chris Brown is something!
  • I Just Wanna Say..

    I just wanna say I love you, I just wanna say I love you, I love you…

    I just wanna say I love you, I just wanna say I love you, I love you…
    Yeap, those are the only words in Potret’s hit “I just wanna say i love you”. Altho she did has some sort of “physical transformation” πŸ™‚ but still, her creativity and her voice, gosh, still one of few ‘export quality’. Download the song here, if you like to:Β Download. I remember enjoying their early albums.
  • Crossroad

    “Bone bone bone bone bone bone bone bone…,” i used to sing it “Pom pom pom pom pom…”, back to the days I did not understand english and internet. Title is Crossroad.Β One of my all time favorite songs actually. A friend introduced this track to me like 10 years ago, and I never forget the rap and the melody. You can feel the sadness in the song.

    Hey, and we pray and we pray and we pray and we pray
    Everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday
    And we pray and we pray and we pray and we pray
    Still we laced, now follow me roll stroll.

    Find it yourself, (or purchase in iTunes, hehe).Β 

    I myself also at the crossroad at this moment. A crossroad. Not the complicated type like Bone’s, but it is still a crossroad. Where will you find an answer, if this question will change many things?

    Picture is property of Rodney Keeling.

  • Lover’s Concerto

    Now I belong to you from this day until forever,
    Just love me tenderly and I’ll give to you every part of me.

    Oh, don’t ever make me cry through long lonely nights without love.
    Be always true to me, keep this day in your heart eternally.
    Some day we shall return to this place upon the meadow.
    We’ll walk out in the rain, see the birds above singing once again.
    Oh, you hold me in your arms, and say once again you love me,
    And if your love is true, everything will be just as wonderful.

    Love this track. A Lover’s Concerto.

  • Sunday Birds

    Nothing better than enjoying your holiday and easy morning with good internet connection, cup of black coffee, clear sky, and nice music. Been enjoying Kate Nash for a moment. Try her “Birds”! I love that one.

    Right birds can fly so high or they can shit on your head,
    Yeah they can almost fly into your eye and make you feel well scared.
    But when you look at them, and you see that they’re beautiful,
    That’s how i feel about you.
    Right, thats how i feel about you.

    She said “thanks, I like you too.”
    He said “cool.”

    Cool, isnt it? πŸ™‚

    Happy Sunday, Everyone!