Category: Music
A Chance from Idol Show
I am not a big fans of American Idol, (any idols show incl Indonesian Idol are never as good as the American). I don’t really think all the stars (idols winners) are finally a super soloist. Except Kelly Clarkson, none are my favorite. But, I always enjoy watching the earlier part of a season, I…
Gray’s You’re the World to Me
I was working on a music list, and found David Gray’s You’re the World to Me. And, i must say that this track is one piece of the good stuffs. It sounds better after I played it for the second time. Try it! I woke up, the room was cold Looking tired, feeling old Cursin’…
Rewind #1: Upbeat!
Reading my friend’s facebook status “Friday never hesitate….It’s Friday..I’m in love!“, it reminds me of my old time favorites. The Cure’s Friday I’m in Love is certainly one of my old time and all time favorites! Then, i tried to check my 35 GBs mp3 collection, doh!, way too many to check one by one,…
August Updates
August is good. Our team successfully ran a seminar (60+ participants). And, I went back to my hometown for a few days and enjoy blackouts. The best thing in August is i got many many ideas! 🙂 It’s never been this easy to get some ideas. They are just keep flowing in from anywhere. Fantastic!…
Rob Thomas is BACK
Hey, Rob Thomas is back and rocking your life! Been waiting for a while for his signature album 🙂 his previous Something To Be was not a big hit. Something was missing from that album. But now, Cradlesong is released! And you can now see (hear) the real Rob Thomas! His tracks Hard on You,…