Category: Current Issue

  • Cellphobia?

    Found good article in Yahoo!Health.

    “…Like many people, I find that I use my cell phone more and more. There is no denying that this device has changed the way we live.

    However, not all of these changes have been for the better. It is clear that cell phones have changed our behavior in ways that impact our emotional health and our interactions with other people.

    We used to be quite content spending time alone, walking down the street or waiting in a coffee shop for a friend. Now, however, many of us seem to feel the need to be constantly connected to another person via a digital device.

    No moment can pass without the emotional security blanket of holding on to another person electronically. This is a kind of dependence that tells us that it is not OK to be alone, that we are somehow lacking without constant connection with another person.

    INDEPENDENCE TIP – Try being alone for a few hours. If you are shopping or walking or driving, turn off the phone. See what it feels like to simply be on your own without giving in to the habit of carrying around all of your friends and family via the cell phone…”

    Well, gonna try? Let’s!

  • Die Hard

    Went to a mall in Manila with Ike last Saturday (damn, i forget the name of the mall), having a dinner at Ten Titas. We had lug-lug noodle, yakitori, mango-shake, and cosmopolitan. More like a light dinner. Nothing very very heavy for a 8pm meal.

    Later, went to cinema around the mall, just looking at something worth watching, which were none. But, something catch my eyes. DIE HARD 4.0! John McClane is BACK!
    Can not wait, man! This world needs you, John! I can not imagine, if there are several John McClanes, Jack Bauers, working together to save the world :p

    Anyway, the trip to Manila was easy. Taking AirAsia to Batam, BatamFast ferry to Singapore, cousin’s Civic to ChoaChuKang, Civic again to Changi BT, TigerAirways to Clark, Philtranco bus to Manila, and terrible taxi to Sampaloc (with my lovely girl-friend). I’ll write more about the trip later.

    Today, doing nothing! She’s doing some residency stuff in Jose Reyes Hospital, and I’m blogging and flickr’ing at her place.

  • Flight Attendant

    “According to civil aviation regulation, bla bla bla bla…., enjoy your flight!”

    We hear that everytime we’re flying with commercial airline, i never pay any attention to the stewardess, it’s kinda boring and they’re not really trying to do something for you, they’re not teaching or educate you about how to use the emergency equipments, the only reason they do the point this point that is only requirements.

    Do they ever ask us, “so, you understand?”, or “do you want us to repeat this?”. No! They talk, show, but assume all the ‘audience’ understand.

    And, on my last month flight from Jakarta to Surabaya, after the plane had landed smoothly, the flight attendants said “Para penumpang yang terhormat, kita telah mendarat di Bandara Internasional Juanda, dimohon untuk tetap duduk, sekali lagi dimohon untuk tetap duduk, hingga pesawat benar-benar berhenti dengan sempurna dan lampu bla bla…”.

    Normal? Later, they continued with English version “Ladies and gentlements, we’ve just landed in Juanda International Airport, please remain seated until the plane bla bla..”

    See? Why they have to repeat the ‘remain-seated’ part in Bahasa Indonesia, but none in English. Is that Indonesian so stupid that can not understand that they need to remain seated? I asked my self. They must not do the discrimination, indonesian will also understand to remain seated without the words being emphasized!

    I was wrong, and the flight attendants was right. Even, they have asked twice, all the passengers still unbuckle their seatbelt and reach their luggage, whilethe plane’s still moving… Sad but true, most of us not ‘clever’ enough.

  • World Energy

    “We’re not only part of the solution but also part of the problem,” he confesses. What he means is that computers are egregious energy hogs. Data centers alone, Sun calculates, account for 2-3 percent of total world energy use, with all IT making up more like 4-5 percent. At big companies, 20 percent of total energy costs can typically be accounted for by information technology.”

    Wow! Can you imagine that? Our laptops contribute to that 4-5 percent of world energy use! Hmmm… we can help the world by stop using laptop! 😀 Dont play too much games, dont listen to mp3s from laptop, dont read too many online papers. Hehe.


  • Cheney

    I couldn’t believe my self, but somehow i agree with James Dobson. He is writing in Time Magazine about  Mary Cheney (US Vice President’s daughter), who decided to raise her child with her lesbian partner.

    I like the title of his article:
    Two Mommies Is One Too Many : Mary Cheney is starting a family. Let’s hope she doesn’t start a trend.
    Haha. Interesting (and quite provocative). Read it here.

    It’s not about lesbian that i “concerned”, but i like James’ point :

    With all due respect to Cheney and her partner, Heather Poe, the majority of more than 30 years of social-science evidence indicates that children do best on every measure of well-being when raised by their married mother and father.
    That is not to say Cheney and Poe will not love their child.

    But love alone is not enough to guarantee healthy growth and development. The two most loving women in the world cannot provide a daddy for a little boy–any more than the two most loving men can be complete role models for a little girl.

    Like i mentioned before, i agree with James, somehow 🙂