Category: Current Issue

  • A Chance from Idol Show

    I am not a big fans of American Idol, (any idols show incl Indonesian Idol are never as good as the American). I don’t really think all the stars (idols winners) are finally a super soloist. Except Kelly Clarkson, none are my favorite. But, I always enjoy watching the earlier part of a season, I think what interest me the most is about the show giving everybody a chance. As long as you want to, you can have a chance. Regardless you go through the next round or simply a fool on TV. Don’t you guys agree that is exactly what everybody needs? A Chance.

  • Happy Countries

    There’s a song, i once heard (long time ago),

    When skies are gray and you say you are blue,
    I’ll send the sun smiling through,
    I want to be happy,

    but I won’t be happy till I make you happy, too

    No, not saying I am not happy. In fact, i am. I am very very happy with my life.But, how happy do you want to be? How happy are you? Do you think you live in a happy country?

    A recent “research” from BusinessWeek, “World’s Happiest Countries” might give you some helps. Turns out, Denmark is the happiest country. I dont know how Indonesia rated, but certainly not in the Top 12. Hehe.

    The surprise is Bhutan and Brunei, both in Top 12. Singapore, US, UK are not within Top 12. Apart from where you live, i guess happiness is all about you.

    Cheer up, be happy, and live it!

  • Sell Your Life

    This guy says:

    Well, my tale is a bit of a sad one, but I am not trying to sell you a sob story. I appreciate that many people have had to cope with much more than I have, and have had much more sadness in their lives. This is just my way of dealing with what has happened to me….

    Yeah, this Ian Usher guy is about to leave his life behind and move on. His wife left him and he decides to sell his life. Listen, everything! Including house and what’s inside, his hobbies, friends, and job! Haha, yeap yeap, he’s selling his life on eBay!

    I read the story here, and then check here. You can bid here also, if you want to. Haha.

    Will you sell yours?

  • Ladies Night?

    I am browsing (i visit this website a lot lately). It’s an online male magazine. Today, there’s an article “Ladies Night: Sexist?“. A (funny) guy sued a club in NY because that club providing free drinks to ladies on Ladies Night, he thought it was a discrimination!! :)) Funny, isn’t he? Read the article below.

    Roy Den Hollander, a New York City man, is suing the popular nightclubs Lotus, AER Lounge and China Club for their participation in the practice of ladies’ night. These clubs routinely offer free drinks and/or admittance to members of the fairer sex (hence the name, “ladies’ night”) and Den Hollander claims that this discriminates against men.

    Den Hollander’s lawyer states that ladies’ night violates the Constitution and he is seeking minor damages. While lawyers on the other side claim that if Roy wins his case, then other specials will need to be abolished, such as the “early bird special” that only seniors can take advantage of and “children eat for free” that only kids under 5 can have.

    What Den Hollander and his lawyer don’t realize is that ladies’ night isn’t about women, it’s about men. See, ladies’ night does attract women with its free booze, which is a service to men looking for more fish in the sea.

  • Connie

    My friend in London told me that he cried after watching Connie Talbot’s video, and he actually voted for her in Britain Got Talents show. Haha, i laughed at him. I checked the video, and gosh… i almost cry!! She’s so lovely. Her voice touch your heart, and you lose control of yourself.

    Watch her!

    And then, i told my friend in Singapore to watch the video, and she said “i cried too”. Damn… this 6 year old is great!