Power 2017

In 2008, I officially started SSCX with 3 partners to help companies achieving operational excellence. Lean Six Sigma was a new concept back then. As a “process person”, improving business through business process improvement is something I enjoy. Every single day in my client site was an adventure!

I did enjoyed every engagement with my clients, hopefully they were too! One of the most exciting engagement is Bank Mandiri Lean Six Sigma initiative, with more than 100 projects including reducing loan process lead time, increasing call center service level, and even cutting new account opening lead time. It was so exciting when one of the projects was awarded best Lean Six Sigma project in Asia that year. I was so happy, like I am a Mandirian. 🙂

In 2011, SSCX published the first edition of Shift Indonesia (you can check it out here). Shift is Indonesia’s first operational management magazine. Kudos to Yudha Satya, for believing in Shift and made things happen!
Today, Shift works with brands to help them reach operational improvement stakeholders.
The magazines are available for free in digital format and priced at IDR 40,000 for company subscriptions.

In 2012, we did something never been done before: Indonesia’s first Operational Excellence Conference and Award. We named it Opexcon12. Today, Opexcon featured high profile speakers including economist Faisal Basri, Deputy Minister of Indutry, then-CEO of Trans Jakarta, CEO of Federal Oil, and many more. And this year, Opexcon17 will have Title Sponsor!

Kudos to Reiko and Riyantono who have worked the hardest for this!

We build the company project by project, training by training. I remember how we hired our first consultant, our first account executive. I vividly remember how we then afford to rent a 30 sqm office with 6 tables.

Today, SSCX is working with companies in Indonesia and Malaysia, helping companies in a mining site in Tanjung Enim, concentrating facility in Papua, bank in Jakarta, manufacturing facilities in Karawang, and even a bird park in Bali. Yes, bird park 🙂

From a solo consultant, now SSCX has a handful of leaders to continue the journey. I have resigned from the company as director this January and will pursue something else. I am confident that the new leadership will be able to take SSCX to another level.

Starting January 2017, I will have 150% of my time and energy to build Sleekr. It’s still at early stage. But, I am very confident of Sleekr’s potential to help small and medium businesses in Indonesia. Sleekr will enable more companies to have affordable business operating system. We are starting the initiative with Human Resources and Accounting. I will write more on this.