People asked the motives of us (SSCX) donating some money to YCAB Foundation. Well, the motive is simple, I and my team would like to do something. Simply doing something good that we can all be proud of and if it then motivates other to do the same, we can say we have achieved our goal. I know YCAB (Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa), few years ago when my previous company helped them developed standard-based management system (ISO 9001). Since then, I’ve been keeping myself updated with what they are doing.
I met the team of YCAB few months ago, and I explained the mission. I and my team would like to do something. And we want of course to be very sure that the fund did go somewhere where helps are needed. We all know how foundations can be very scammy! Read this: Americas Worst Charities <-- for example: Kids Wish Network, they raised $127.8 million but spent $109.8 million to solicitors and only a slim 2.5% goes as cash aid. According to the list of America’s Worst Charities, they are ranked #1 of the worst!
So, we carefully select a trusted foundation with similar mission to us and we strongly believe YCAB is a reliable partner. What we are expecting is, the money can really help children finish school. Children is the future of the nation, right?
If you would like to do something, here’s a Wishlist you can try to make come true.
Also, here’s a news link from Yahoo with a photo. In the picture, Dr. Iskandar Irwan “Andie” Hukom is receiving donation from SSCX and Opexcon. Dr Andie is the COO of the foundation, we are glad he spared some time to attend Opexcon and share the mission of YCAB.