Toraja Coffee

On my previous trip to Makasar, my friend took me to a coffee stall called “Warung Kopi Phoenam”, he said ‘this is the best coffee in town!’. We drank the coffee around 10pm that night.

And, on this trip, i found that Phoenam also opened a coffee shop in a mall side-by-side to the hotel where I stay for 2 nights. So, altho i had some kind of cold/fever yesterday, I pushed myself to try (again) their special Kopi Susu and Roti Goreng Telur Kaya. Slurp. The coffee is good!

Toraja Coffee.

Back in my room again. The flights were both okay, no significant delay. I ordered again a cup of toraja coffee in the waiting room of Hasanuddin Airport. Yeaks, tasted like Nescafe (the waiters convinced me that it is not Nescafe, i insisted to see the packaging 😀 they said ‘beneran koq, itu kopi bubuk toraja, tadi baru diisi, dia udah digiling halus, makanya seperti kopi instan’…).
