Manila Day 1: Funky Santa

I’m in Manila (again). City of terrible taxi, where people call you “seeeerrr” or “maaaam”, where you take jeepney and wonder whose change is it on your hand. Haha.

Went to Eastwood City with Ike last night, the place is good, the crowd’s great. Took a picture with funky santa, and also had dinner at Big Kahuna (kinda overprice!), but enjoy the ambience.

Hohoho, he said!


2 responses to “Manila Day 1: Funky Santa”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    g br sadar..judul post elo manila day 1. Btw mana manila day 2, 3 ,4 ,dst?

  2. Suwandi Avatar

    Haha, plan mau nulis, tp sptnya batal… :p Next week deh!