Ladies Night?

I am browsing (i visit this website a lot lately). It’s an online male magazine. Today, there’s an article “Ladies Night: Sexist?“. A (funny) guy sued a club in NY because that club providing free drinks to ladies on Ladies Night, he thought it was a discrimination!! :)) Funny, isn’t he? Read the article below.

Roy Den Hollander, a New York City man, is suing the popular nightclubs Lotus, AER Lounge and China Club for their participation in the practice of ladies’ night. These clubs routinely offer free drinks and/or admittance to members of the fairer sex (hence the name, “ladies’ night”) and Den Hollander claims that this discriminates against men.

Den Hollander’s lawyer states that ladies’ night violates the Constitution and he is seeking minor damages. While lawyers on the other side claim that if Roy wins his case, then other specials will need to be abolished, such as the “early bird special” that only seniors can take advantage of and “children eat for free” that only kids under 5 can have.

What Den Hollander and his lawyer don’t realize is that ladies’ night isn’t about women, it’s about men. See, ladies’ night does attract women with its free booze, which is a service to men looking for more fish in the sea.