

Weird! Been a while since the last time i heard my name shouted! Looked to the source, which is my left, and i found my college class mate, Jourdan. Damn, kinda forget that it’s been 4 damn year since the last time i saw him.

“Oh ya, kenalin nih, istri gue”
“Ha? Istri? Serius, Jourd??”, quick look at her finger, damn, he’s not lying (who will lie about these stuff, anyway). “Wah, dah lama yah? Gua ngga tau lho!”. He smiled.

“Masih di Jakarta lu??”
“Yep!! Masih!”, I replied.

“Masih tinggal di kos dulu??”
“Yep!! Masih, Jourd!”

“Masih di perusahaan konsultan??”
“Yep!! Masih!”

Damn!!! Pararelly, my mind was thinking, am I all about insignificance? Was my life was only ‘this’? Where’s the boy with the big dream? Where do the picture of greatness I hung on wall of my everyheart?

People say “Change is the only constant”, i said “Fuck!”, getting older is the only change, at this moment. And if you think getting older is constant, you might be right, but i dont need a philosopher to tell me so.

Where’s the CHANGE? change?

“Nomer hape lu masih yang lama, Su?” Ah-ha!!

Well, maybe i’ve changed, (at least)!
“Wah, gua ganti, Jourd, nih gua miss-call yah!”

He left, i left. Back to my business (you may say busy-ness, but I will show you!)