Die Hard

Went to a mall in Manila with Ike last Saturday (damn, i forget the name of the mall), having a dinner at Ten Titas. We had lug-lug noodle, yakitori, mango-shake, and cosmopolitan. More like a light dinner. Nothing very very heavy for a 8pm meal.

Later, went to cinema around the mall, just looking at something worth watching, which were none. But, something catch my eyes. DIE HARD 4.0! John McClane is BACK!
Can not wait, man! This world needs you, John! I can not imagine, if there are several John McClanes, Jack Bauers, working together to save the world :p

Anyway, the trip to Manila was easy. Taking AirAsia to Batam, BatamFast ferry to Singapore, cousin’s Civic to ChoaChuKang, Civic again to Changi BT, TigerAirways to Clark, Philtranco bus to Manila, and terrible taxi to Sampaloc (with my lovely girl-friend). I’ll write more about the trip later.

Today, doing nothing! She’s doing some residency stuff in Jose Reyes Hospital, and I’m blogging and flickr’ing at her place.