Common Sense, Nonsense, and Everything in Between


Damn! My flight delayed for another 2 hours! It’s already the best airlines in Indonesia, but still, this is what you could get in Indonesia. Delayed flight!

It sucks.

Luckily, i’m in the mood for my Football Manager, so just need to plug my laptop and start playing in the waiting lounge. (Thats the good point).

Several things happen lately in Jakarta, AA Gym’s second marriage (doh!), video-clip of a legislative members (another doh!) with someone who is not his wife, altho he has 2 children at home.

My good friend explained to me how AA Gym once said that he against polygamy, and that legislative-member is actually a Kepala Seksi Kerohanian (something to do with religion affairs).

How ironic is that?
Its like saying. I am A MAN, but actually, next month I am A WOMAN. (?) Argh… i dont get the logic anyway. Practice what you preach next time, dudes.

I said i’m quitting my job… start to do it soon. Thats what bothering my mind. How you can get a lil bit crazy when you want to do something and something deep in your mind (or soul, if i have any) or maybe an angel that whispering (or a satan) against you.

You think you’ll do it, you’re so sure, and then something makes you re-think the whole thing. I believe this is something i need to do, when you want to go up, you take the ladder, but if the ladder stuck at a certain floor but you don’t actually want to go there, you better think this options:

1. take another ladder
2. stay on the ladder, but think of something else that can help
3. find the extension for the ladder
4. jump and maybe there’s an elevator behind the wall…

Well, now i get my self confused here… am i on a ladder, actually? i{content: normal !important}

Common Sense, Nonsense, and Everything in Between