Plain Water

Just realised something!

I have not drink a single glass of plain water since i woke up this morning 😮 Minutes after taking a bath, i made my self a cup of coffee. And then, directly drove my self for a 30minute ride to office. Once, i got my lazy ass to one comfy office chair, i began reading paper. And then, got some working papers which i’m so lazy to look at (today). At 10.30, got myself another cup of coffee.

And 11.40, after my quick lunch (got myself Nasi Padang, which is nottt good!), i was looking for my glass, i cannot find it. Thats when i realised i haven’t drink plain water today. Although, drinking coffee means drinking water (coffee is only the dressing for the taste and color of the plain water, right?), it is still not the same.

Drinking water (plain or not) is substantial for our health! Thats what i read. Also mentioned, must be at least 2 litres! 🙂 Damn! Thats a lot! But, those health-conscious people have created a simple to-do list to keep yourself reach the minimum daily intake.

  • Start as you mean to go on, with a glass of water when you wake.
  • If you’re at work, keep a jug of fresh water on your desk so it’s within easy reach to top your glass up throughout the day.
  • If you’re out and about during the day, carry a bottle of water so you can have a drink whenever you want.
  • Increase your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables; they have a high water content as well as many other health benefits.

Keep yourself healthy then!