Category: No Kidding

  • Vending Machine for Sandals

    Just noticed a vending machine for sandal! I like the idea, although their in-counter staffs may not. The system is very simple, they have limited sandal type, color, and size.


    Near the vending machine, they provides a jig to measure and make sure your size is correct.

    And thats my boy posing in front of it 🙂

  • Iron Man 3 – Problem Solving Case

    Iron Man 3! Ya, film yang lagi ‘trending’ sekarang ini. Saat sedang melakukan ‘riset’ untuk menentukan apakah film ini layak tonton atau tidak (well, seharusnya cukup bagus, nilainya menurut polling IMDB adalah 7.8/10.0), saya menemukan fakta menarik, yaitu film ini dirilis terlebih dahulu di non-US alias international, barulah kemudian di US.


    Tidak banyak film yang diputar dengan urutan demikian. Dulu, semua film Hollywood selalu dirilis di US, kemudian menyusul negara lain. Kita masih ingat, Indonesia sering mendapat urutan akhir. Tetapi, akhir-akhir ini pola yang dipakai mulai berubah. Kenapa? Apa yang mendasari para produsen dan studio mengubah urutan ini?

    Selidik punya selidik, ternyata ini adalah salah satu solusi yang dipilih untuk menurunkan tingkat pembajakan. Sebuah film yang dirilis dahulu di US, rentan mengurangi penjualan di negara lain. Karena film tersebut cepat dibajak dan disebar begitu dirilis, dan disambut gegap gempita oleh ‘konsumen’ yang sudah tidak sabar melihat aksi Tony Stark menyelamatkan dunia. Tahukah Anda, karena jeda waktu antara rilis di US dan negara lain, potensi kehilangan pendapatan adalah 7%, nilai aktual bisa lebih besar dari studi ini. Studi dilakukan oleh Danaher dan Waldfogel tahun 2012 lalu.

    Nah, saya membayangkan pada sebuah sesi diskusi, mereka menemukan fakta ini dan seseorang peserta diskusi secara acak memberi ide gila “Bagaimana jika kita rilis di US belakangan?”. Sebuah ide gila karena dulunya ini tidak lazim. Mungkin saja ide ini akan berhasil, jika tidak dicoba tentu tidak ada yang tahu. Improvement adalah soal bagaimana kita menjadi lebih baik.

    Ingat, insanity is expecting different result by doing the same thing! Are you doint the very same thing? Are you facing the same old problem?

  • Shit and Assholes


    Selalu tertawa jika melihat ilustrasi ini. Is it true? =) Are you the shit or the asshole?


  • 2012 in One Post

    2012 is definitely a great year, full of challenges and of course full of gains. SSCX has grew significantly especially in capability area, we have built up the relevant and important skill and capability not known before. Thanks to many new partners within the firm. What made 2012 a great year for SSCX is most importantly contributed by my long term colleagues. They are fantastic this year! I can feel the energy of a very dynamic and strong team players, you can’t find such team in many companies.

    While, the company is doing great this year. Personally, I feel fantastic. I learn a lot this year. Some of them are pricey lessons, and I am lucky that I can learn them now, instead of later.  The most important things I learn are to not judge people by what you see and how to put emotion aside from business. I found several people lacking integrity, while I did believe in them before. It’s a hard and painful truth, but if you learn about putting emotion aside, well, you can see much clearer.

    Warren Buffet once quoted saying “In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you!”. He is right. Well, so far, they can’t kill us. It’s a good lesson tho’.

    I count myself lucky 🙂 In most areas, the company is doing great. I would like to wish you a happy new year and hopefully 2013 (yeah, some dudes call it 2012A, but I don’t believe in 13’s bad luck) will be a great year for you!

  • A Note for My Self – Death and Life

    Setiap beberapa waktu, seseorang yang kita kenal meninggal dunia dan kemudian kita tersadar akan arti hidup. Death is a certain thing. It’s not something we can avoid. Yes, we can try to do something to avoid it temporarily, but somehow things happen; and there’s always something beyond our control.  Walau ini sebuah certain-thing, kita sering lupa. Kita seakan merasa kehidupan itu abadi dan bahwa kita ini abadi.

    Salah satu buku yang mengubah cara pandang saya akan hidup adalah Tuesdays with Morrie. Setelah saya cek, saya membacanya 5 tahun lalu. Beberapa kalimat menarik dalam buku itu diantaranya adalah:

    Everyone knows they re going to die,’ he said again, ‘but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do things differently.

    Dan mengenai life and love:

    So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

    Your life may end any time. Kadang kita mengorbankan apa yang ada di sekitar kita untuk sesuatu yang jauh di depan dan tidak terlihat, hanya apa yang kita bayangkan akan terjadi. Apa yang terjadi, jika ini adalah hari terakhir kita? We dont have any clue about our future, but present is a sure thing.

    Salah satu pidato yang “…mengubah cara pandang akan hidup…” adalah commencement addressnya Steve Jobs di Stanford.

    Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

    Saya yakin, dan apalagi setelah membaca biografi Steve Jobs yang tebalnya seperti alkitab, Steve Jobs mempraktikkannya dengan baik. I think he died with no regret. Now, back to us, as asked by Steve Jobs “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?