Category: Book

  • Untungnya Dia, Malangnya Saya

    Sekarang ini lagi suka baca cerita-ceritanya Ajahn Brahm. Yeah right, you’re now religious! :p Haha, can’t say yes or no, but kinda like the short stories. Meaningful.

    Kali ini, Ajahn Brahm cerita, waktu dia masih jadi biksu muda, dia suka iri karena biksu senior selalu mendapat makanan yang enak, tidak perlu kerja berat, dan duduk di kursi yang empuk. Sementara, biksu muda tersiksa dengan makanan yang tidak mengundang selera, kerja berat, dan duduk di lantai yang keras. Untungnya mereka, malangnya aku, kata Brahm.

    Seiring berlalunya waktu, dia kemudian menjadi biksu senior, ternyata biksu senior begitu tidak punya waktu, karena harus mendengarkan keluhan-keluhan umat, harus melakukan pekerjaan administrasi dan tanggung jawabnya juga tinggi sekali. Beda dengan biksu muda yang tidak punya tanggung jawab dan punya banyak waktu. Kata Ajahn Brahm: untungnya mereka, malangnya aku.

    Kemudian ada beberapa kalimat penutup tambahan, tapi point pentingnya adalah we will never be happy kalau cuma mikirin enaknya posisi atau kehidupan orang lain. Karena sesungguhnya yang berbeda hanyalah bentuk dari kebahagiaan atau bentuk dari derita yang ada di tiap peran.

    Untungnya aku, malangnya mereka. That’s it.

  • Last Lecture

    Last Lecture

    I was in bookstore (Plaza Indonesia) last week. A staff later came to me and recommend “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. He said “This is a very very nice book. It’s a big hit in US, but you know in Indonesia, it will be a hit probably months after US. But, you can check”

    I looked at the book, but yeaah, i have so many work-in-process for books. I bought several good books few months before, and haven’t read all of them, so I said to him that probably i will buy the book next month.

    The Last Lecture is principally Tuesdays With Morrie‘ alike.

    I browse in Amazon this morning, and have a look at that book, and yes it is in Best Selling List. 90% of reviewers rated the book with 5-star. I will buy the book later, i guess. Finishing “Winning” of Jack Welch.

    By the way, i like a quote in Amazon (by Randy himself):

    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt,
    just how we play the hand.”

  • Tuesdays With Morrie

    Sometimes you cannot believe what you see,
    you have to believe what you feel.
    And if you are ever going to have other people trust you,
    you must feel that you can trust them, too —
    even when you’re in the dark.
    Even when you’re falling.

    Just finished Tuesdays with Morrie. Several friends recommend that book, until last week I saw it in my verygood-friend’s book-shelf. I read it during my flight to Palembang last sunday, and finished that book this morning (damn it, i can not sleep past 6).

    Published 10 years ago, and I really dont have the eagerness to even sneak a peek, until last week. So, i read, read, read… and after few chapters, i just could not stop. Not a fast reader, so took me several hours to finish the book.

    AND, i can tell ya, it’s my life-changing-book. It’s not that now I am a new me, but i mean if you read this book, at least you have a willingness to really understand your self, your family, your surrounding. And, by understand, i mean understand.

  • Straight From Jack

    Almost finish my recent reading. JACK: Straight From The Gut.
    This is one of the book I’ve ever read. Its about Jack Welch of GE, how he started his career, reaching the CEO seat, managing GE Corp, his days, his ups and his downs. I highly recommend this book, as I was highly recommended by my mate Dennis. The language was simple, easy to understand. The structure of the book was very good. And of course, listening to Jack (or reading!) was the best thing. When I read the book, it felt like, Jack was actually talking to me, teaching about many new stuffs.

    Simply, one of my best guru. Perhaps, can meet him someday, and have a conversation about everything.