Parents Love

To understand your parents’ love you must raise children yourself. -Chinese Proverb

Yeah, parents told me this. I think all parents must have told their kids the same thing. To understand this statement itself, you must be a parent first.

I never took these words seriously, I didn’t get it. Setelah Aiden mengisi hidup, barulah saya paham. We do not love our parents as much as we love our kids. Or at least, we have not. We get angry easily to our parents, we think negatively (sometimes), we ignore them the other time.

To be at the other end, saya jadi lebih paham, it is not a kid’s fault. Ini memang normal, anak belum pernah menjadi orang tua. Orang tua sudah pernah menjadi seorang anak. Jadi, memang benar orang tua harus lebih berbesar hati.