
I browsed some old pictures in my hard-drive and i tried to edit the picture using Adobe Lightroom (my friend – a photographer, uses this software). Damn, so easy and the results are very very very okay. I mean, looks like a pro. Yihaa! I can not lie to you, i am amazed (with the software, the pictures, and erhm the editor – me!).

Some of the pictures

This one was taken in Alam Kul-Kul, Bali, during my trip 6 months ago. The cafe is nice. I had a complimentary beer and peanuts.

This one was taken during our trip to Rizal Park (last December). She did some pose, didnt she? hehe. Anyway, Rizal is yeah we can say Pinoy’s Sukarno. One of the most respected persons in Philippines.

This one was taken in a restaurant, which claimed to be a cafe of Forrest Gump. Don’t exactly know the fact. Food was nice and expensive.

The last one is a starbucks’ ad-poster. No, i am kidding. It was taken by Ike in a starbucks near Immigration (or sort of).

See? Looks very nice, right? Doh, my brother rated all of them with 7.0 out of 10.0. Underrated, i guess 😀