Last Lecture

Last Lecture

I was in bookstore (Plaza Indonesia) last week. A staff later came to me and recommend “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. He said “This is a very very nice book. It’s a big hit in US, but you know in Indonesia, it will be a hit probably months after US. But, you can check”

I looked at the book, but yeaah, i have so many work-in-process for books. I bought several good books few months before, and haven’t read all of them, so I said to him that probably i will buy the book next month.

The Last Lecture is principally Tuesdays With Morrie‘ alike.

I browse in Amazon this morning, and have a look at that book, and yes it is in Best Selling List. 90% of reviewers rated the book with 5-star. I will buy the book later, i guess. Finishing “Winning” of Jack Welch.

By the way, i like a quote in Amazon (by Randy himself):

“We cannot change the cards we are dealt,
just how we play the hand.”