Food in Makassar

My tongue is something unique. Hard to explain, but yet most of the times easy to satisfy. I like most indonesian food. Yeah, most. i love local dish from my hometown Pekanbaru (yeah, nothing actually “original”, most food in Pekanbaru were not originated in Pekanbaru).

Name them: lontong sayur (love it!), mie pangsit (love it!), soto (like it!), soto padang (love it!), nasi padang (love it!), pempek (like it!), pisang goreng (love it!), bakwan (love it!). A long list.

Javanese? yeam, love rawon, ketoprak, gado-gado, etc. But, i just can not stand Makassar’s food. Haha. Don’t exactly know why.

2 years ago, i tried their nasi goreng (hate it!), pisang ijo (dont like it!).

This trip, i tried a food stall across the hotel, i asked for their specialty: a “Mi Goreng A’la Pxxxxx”. Pxxxx is the name of the food place.

The noodle is kinda funny, the chicken is not good, the mushroom is not tasty, the shrimp is okay, but there are lots of other body-parts I detest. Score: 2/10. Yeaks!

Enough of experiment! Tired of food testing. The second night, I decided to eat something internationally tested.

Big Mac 😀

Haha. Yeah, Bic Mac, and Bread Talk’s Fire Floss.