Finally, DIE HARD 4.0! 🙂
Watched John McClane in action last night with my brother. It wassss goood, for me. John’s clearly know what he needs to do huh? Haha. In Die Hard 4.0, there’re more jokes than previous Die Hards. So, during the top notch action, you still can laugh yourself out.
John McClane: [after covering a webcam] Freddy, can you trace these guys.
Thomas Gabriel: Detective, covering the camera does not turn off the microphone.
Especially, when John has to do something in digitallized world, where his enemy was internet, and he has no clue on computers wakakkaa.. Check out for more information.
One annoying thing is the person sat in front of me (one row ahead), i have no idea why he has
such a big big head! So, i could not totally rest my body in the chair, damn!