
I was planning to buy a new mouse for my laptop this morning. And of course, like any regular office-guy, the first thing you would do is to browse for more information online. How much, what the type, brands, etc.
I roamed a lot in, and found above message, haha. Funny. That’s a price-tag for a pda-phone.

I decided to buy a regular optical mouse. Apparently, wireless one will cost me 400% of the wired mouse. So, hmm.. must save money.

My last mouse has been broken since weeks ago. Some troubles with the wheel and clicks.

Quality has a great correlation with Price. In ideal world, they shall have no positive correlation.
But, hmmm… until now, still cant find a great-great product with a low-low price. Remember the phone i got last year, it’s already broken. Hhhh…

From the left graphic can you imagine what do you get from cheap or low-cost medical service?