
As you may have read the article in official World Cup website, Silvio Gazzaniga is the designer and sculptor of FIFA World Cup trophy. In one of the interview, he mentioned something very nice.

What does it mean for you when you hold the FIFA World Cup in your hands?
For me it means joy, but that feeling is even stronger for the players. They must earn the right on the pitch which means lots of hard work. I’m grateful to FIFA for having chosen my design from amongst all those submitted.

Hhhh… imagine this :

  • he designed the trophy almost 35 years ago,
  • he is 85 years old this year.

Can you imagine how he wants that trophy to go to Milano (his hometown)? I mean Italy.

All the 22 players in Italy squad must do very very well to make it happens. Last match against Australia, of course is not one you want to remember. But beating Ukraine and Argentina (maybe! hehe) will let that thing happens. Because, in Final, when Italy fights Brazil (again, maybe! hehe), they’ll win with one or two goals from Francesco Totti!!

Forza Italia! Forza Roma!