Another Belitung Story

Been very tired yesterday. Slept at 1 and woke up at 4.30… urgh… only 3.5 hours! That’s pretty much the total time I spent in car everyday. I have to go to Belitung this morning. Arrived at Belitung airport around 8.30. There’s quite some work to do in factory of my client. Ya ya.. several ISO stuffs.

The company is a China foreign investment. Many Chinese there. I have to talk in mandarin or hokkian to them, which I’ve never done it before. Talks in English already troublesome to me, and now it’s mandarin… can you imagine…? And sometimes I have to mention technical words like ‘defect’, ‘quality’, ‘rework’, and I cant even find the suitable words! Wakaka… so I just ‘err.. urrr… bleee…’. And they look at me, and also ‘err… urrr… bleee…’ also…

The thing is, those Chinese can not understand English, for God’s sake they don’t even understand the word ‘target’… and by that time, I realised how the first person to acclaim we need international language was a brilliant person. 🙂  Hehe..

The funny story about this town called Tanjung Pandan is the entire town only got ONE traffic light! One! Yes, single one! 🙂
Others ONE thing is, there’s only one gas-station, one police station, one big company (PT Timah), one radio station, one newspaper. (at least that’s what I’ve seen).

And, the major unfortunate of the town, they have many NO, like there’s no star-hotel, no mall or shopping center, no taxi, and even no BCA!! Wakakaka… poor Belitung (the Chinese read it as Phe-Lee-Tong).