Tuesdays With Morrie

Sometimes you cannot believe what you see,
you have to believe what you feel.
And if you are ever going to have other people trust you,
you must feel that you can trust them, too —
even when you’re in the dark.
Even when you’re falling.

Just finished Tuesdays with Morrie. Several friends recommend that book, until last week I saw it in my verygood-friend’s book-shelf. I read it during my flight to Palembang last sunday, and finished that book this morning (damn it, i can not sleep past 6).

Published 10 years ago, and I really dont have the eagerness to even sneak a peek, until last week. So, i read, read, read… and after few chapters, i just could not stop. Not a fast reader, so took me several hours to finish the book.

AND, i can tell ya, it’s my life-changing-book. It’s not that now I am a new me, but i mean if you read this book, at least you have a willingness to really understand your self, your family, your surrounding. And, by understand, i mean understand.